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To gauge the influence of aspects that shape our lives is a mammoth task. It requires deep introspection and even deeper self-awareness. But I do feel like if you're able to find your own faults, compare them with your strengths, find your likes, dislikes, opinions or beliefs, it'll lead you way ahead in life. Here are some of mine: Fear: Both a deterrent and a motivator, this strong emotion can either break you or push you beyond your limits. I am fearful of lizards, earthquakes and thunder, all three of which impair my ability to think, work or just about get anything done. Like: I like a lot of things and that's something I take pride in. Even things I don't like, I can learn to like over time if I amass enough information. But if I had to pick the top three things that I genuinely like, it would be reading, swimming and scratching things off my checklist. Love: A little stronger than like, this emotion makes you experience a gamut of them more. I

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