Leadership Lessons from Michelle Obama

According to a Gallup poll published in The Washington Post when the Obamas were clearing out of The White House, Michelle Obama, former First Lady, lawyer, writer and activist was voted more popular than her husband, Barack Obama, the former President of the United States. 

Michelle Obama, former FLOTUS, lawyer, activist and writer.

The poll was an indication of something in Michelle Obama that people loved and admired. Though thrust into the world of politics quite unwillingly and for the sake of her husband’s ambitions, their reign in The White House ended with a huge population in America wanting Michelle to contest the next elections in 2020. However, having always maintained that politics was Barack’s thing, not hers, she declined politely.

Even in her memoir, Becoming, which I am currently reading, you can sense that has had to often make compromises in her life with regards to her career, her personal goals and her own ambition. But, none of her inhibitions about politics makes her any less of a leader in the eyes of the world. To me, Michelle Obama is one of the most inspirational leaders, whose grit, grace, determination and compassion is truly inspiring in so many ways.

She was named most admired woman in America by Fortune magazine.

Obama always knew that by becoming the First Lady, she had to serve a larger purpose. Not just for herself, but also for her race. She was the first African-American woman to assume that role and what she did with it was something that no First Lady had done before.

By the time she entered the White House, she had already been an accomplished lawyer, writer and a community activist. She was a girl, who grew up in the humble setting of South Side Chicago and by the dint of her hard work, commitment, perseverance and passion, rose to the kind of money and power that her family could have never dreamed of. She put her Ivy League education to good use and made a name for herself by her own merit.

The Obama's swearing allegiance to their nation.

So, when she finally did enter the White House as the second most important person in USA, one would assume that that kind of power could corrupt her or erode away the pieces of her that brought her to that stage. In the case of Obama, this never happened.

A key aspect of her personality that still leaves people in awe is her authenticity. Being a politician is hard because the media is always there to pick your life apart. But as a leader, she knows that she cannot fabricate the story of her life or her struggles. And she never has.

Obama has always been vocal about the fact that at the time she was growing up, her struggles were different because of her skin colour and she is not shy to call it out for what it is. Racism is still rampant in USA and ignoring it a gross injustice to the community. Hence, Michelle Obama has used her platform and her position to shed more light to the African-American community, their struggles, their achievements and stressed on their empowerment. She has leveraged her position to bring a largely oppressed community to the main stage by giving them a voice.

Michelle during her Princeton University days.

Her commitment to social and economic issues like women’s education, poverty and public health have also always earned goodwill for the Obamas. Whether it is the Let’s Move initiative to make kids in America healthy and focused on nutrition or it is her numerous campaigns to get girls into school, Michelle, like a true leader, has always led by example. She has planted the garden in the White House and used her own educational experiences as a way to motivate others to move into action.

Michelle planting the White House kitchen.

She has also always been a compassionate and considerate soul. No leader can reign for too long by having little to no regard for those under him or her. Having compassion towards the suffering of others is a gift that any leader could do with it and that is also a huge aspect of Obama’s leadership style.

She gave up the security and financial stability of a corporate law career to devote herself to community service and address larger issues. During her stint at the Chicago City Hall, Michelle was able to fight injustices and later also set up the Chicago chapter of the Public Allies to help prepare for the youth for careers in civil service.  Such compassion can win many hearts and is a leader’s ticket to amassing positive public opinion.

Let's Move campaign to promote healthy habits among children. 

Moreover, Michelle Obama is a woman with an immensely strong personality that is unwavering in the face of adversity. Since she has been in the public eye, she has been trolled mercilessly and called “an ape in heels” among other things. Her credentials have been undermined due to her gender and her entire integrity often reduced to only her outward experience and fashion choices. But, none of this has managed to break her indomitable spirit that continues to place others above herself and become a true champion for the larger good of the people.

She once said, “All of us are driven by a simple belief that the world as it is just won’t do—that we have an obligation to fight for the world as it should be.” And fight she did.

She continues to weave personal stories in her powerful speeches to remain authentic, grounded and show her real self to the world even when they don’t want to see it.

In an age where people often say that women cannot “have it all”, Obama has set an example of a truly modern-day woman who can dedicate herself to her family and her work. 

The Obamas, the first African-American family to live in the White House.

She tried to keep life as normal as possible for her daughters, Malia and Sasha, and tried to always be present for them. She succeeded in making the family culture come alive in The White House despite their unusual circumstances and treated even the staff as an extended family. She has always been portrayed as the perfect mother, wife and woman in the media as well. This makes her highly relateable and inspiring for women who desire to emulate the same in their lives.

These are just a few of her qualities that in my eyes make her a good leader. I believe that there is a lot to learn from her struggles, her fight, her communication skills, her activism, her personal conduct and her ability to multi-task. She is more than just one label or role. She is a beacon of hope for all those women, especially Black women, who dream to transcend racial and social divides and become someone like her. This is also why I believe that a huge chunk of the Obamas’ legacy in USA is owed to her.


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